Empresas Copec S.A. responds to Chilean SVS document
ARAUCO’s primary owner, Empresas COPEC S.A., responded to the Chilean Securities and Insurance Supervisor’s inquiry regarding the accuracy of press articles titled “Copec evaluates entering the Forestry Business in Colombia” and “ARAUCO evaluates entering Colombia with a Forestry Business”. In these articles the Chairman of Empresas Copec S.A. says that there have been business trips to Colombia and land assessments have been conducted in that country to invest in plantations.
Empresas Copec S.A. informed that its forestry subsidiary Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A. (ARAUCO) has production operations in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, and as such is permanently searching for new business opportunities in the continent. As part of this process it is accurate to say that ARAUCO is analyzing the Colombian market as one more investment option, among others. However, to this date, there is nothing concrete regarding this issue.